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Have you every listened to house music?

Malcolm Barry

Kerri Chandler is embarking on an project and we’re excited to see the results….

Kerri seems to be all over social media at the moment with his remix of Paul Mcartney’s classic, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five causing a stir online and even Mcartney himself taking the time to share it. He’s also embarking on a project to find out his fan’s most important and seminal house tracks. In a recent Facebook post he stated: ‘Hello everyone! I’m working on a very special project and I would love to have your input. After everyone has submitted songs I’m going to have a vote on which tracks 🙂 The question is “If you never heard house music before and a song came on, what house song or track would you have liked for it to have been?” I ask with, Love, Respect and Admiration! Kerri’

Interesting! What would your choice be? To make it even broader, if you had never heard DANCE music before and a song came on, what track would you have liked for it to have been?’

If nothing else, the comments section on the post makes for some pretty good listening! It also makes for some pretty good reading, as Facebook users comment nostalgically about some of their best memories associated with house music, it really brings home the impact a single song can have on a persons life. So why not pass on a tune that’s important to you? Comment on the Facebook link to share a track that you wish had been your introduction to dance music!



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