In 1988, techno pioneer Kevin Saunderson produced his futuristic ‘Just Want Another Chance’ track under his ‘Reese’ alias. The track’s distinct synth bass was then sampled for the hugely popular jungle anthem ‘Terrorist‘ by Renegade & Ray Keith in the mid-90s, and the sound quickly became an underground dance staple in many productions, cropping up in many jungle, hardcore and speed garage tracks. As drum and bass evolved, producers began manipulating the sound with distortion and various other FX to create the huge, mid-heavy bass sounds heard in many tracks such as Ed Rush, Optical & Fierce’s ‘Cutslo (Lokuste mix)'. ‘Reese’ eventually became the term used to describe practically any sustained full-range bass sound, and these kinds of sounds are now a dance music staple across most genres.
As Saunderson revealed in many interviews the original bassline for ‘Just Want Another Chance’ was created using a Casio CZ phase distortion synth. It is still a great option for an authentic Reese, but nowadays authenticity isn’t necessary to create solid bass sounds.
With this free bass patch, we have created in Ableton Lives Analog, you can capture the classic ‘Reese’ sound in your own tracks straight out of the box
Download here: